No Visa Required (NVR) for Non-Resident Bangladeshis (NRBs)

NVR Seal:


The „No Visa Required“ (NVR) seal is applicable to citizens of Germany, the Czech Republic, Romania, and Slovakia who are of Bangladesh origin, as well as their family members (spouse and children).

Individuals with NVR seals on their passports can make multiple entries into Bangladesh without any restrictions on the duration of their stay within the validity period of the passport.

General Requirements for Obtaining the ‚No Visa Required‘ Stamp:


  1. Completed application form.
  2. Two recent passport-sized photographs (Size: 37mmX37mm).
  3. Bangladesh passport/National ID/Birth certificate (17 digits)/Foreign old passport with an NVR seal.
  4. If there has been a name change while residing in a foreign country, provide a legal document supporting the change or a copy of a court order.
  5. A valid passport.
  6. Payment receipt for the visa fee.
  7. For children of Bangladesh nationals:
    • Child’s Person Bevis (Family Birth Certificate).
    • Passport of the child(ren)’s father or mother with an NVR seal.
  8. For spouses of foreign origin:
    • Notarized copy of the marriage certificate.
    • Declaration from the Bangladesh origin national regarding the validity of marital status.
    • Original copy of the passport along with a photocopy of the Bangladesh origin national’s passport.